Sulphuric Acid

Sulphuric Acid

Sulphuric Acid is referred as a universal chemical, due to the numerous applications as a raw material or processing agent. It is widely used to make phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sulfate salts, synthetic detergents, dyes and pigments, etc.

Sulphuric Acid works as a strong mineral acid. Coming with strong pungent odor with off white/light yellowish white color, it has solubility in water and provides working as highly corrosive agent and oxidizer.

Formula H2SO4
Other Name Oil of Vitriol
Appearance Clear, colorless, odorless oil
CAS Number [7664-93-9]
Molar Mass 98.08 g/mol


Total Acidity 98.4% min
Residue on Ignition 0.2% max
Iron as Fe 0.05% max
Lead as Pb 0.005% max
Arsenic as As 0.004% max
Density and phase 1.84 g/cm3, liquid
Solubility in water Fully miscible (Exothermic)
Melting Point 10°C (283 K)
Boiling point 337°C (610 K)
pKa -3.0 1.99
Viscosity 26.7 cP at 20°C